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    Ohla Studio

    Ohla Studio

    OHLA STUDIO is a design studio founded in 2017 by Giulia Zink and Mat Trumbull. They offer design services and creative consultancy with a focus on art direction, interior, and landscape design. Their clients range from real estate developers to retailers and boutique businesses. 

    They manifest age-old visions with contemporary possibilities. OHLA STUDIO works in union with artisans and localities steeped in centuries of craft and trade. They deliver individual, authentic evocations, both familiar and new, wrought from places we might have otherwise overlooked, wisened by knowledge we might have otherwise forgotten.

    1. Where were you born and where are you from ?

    I’m from Sardinia, Italy. Mat is from Southern California.

    2. What is your first memory connected to the art world ?

    G: A painting that was gifted to my parents when I was born. 

    M: Hiroshige 100 views of Edo.

    3. Have you always worked in the art/design field ?

    G: Yes, my very first job was guiding tourists through private art collections in Venice. I was commuting every day from Vicenza. The train breaking the early morning fog over the lagoon is one of my most precious memories. 

    M: No, landscape design.

    4. What led you to the design creation ?

    It became a vehicle to explore conversations in art architecture and design. 

    5. How would you describe your creative process and it influences ?

    G: My influences have been very much driven by the nostalgia from my own land. My creative process is giving shape to conversations in art and design that have been vibrant and inspiring. M: Honor your curiosity

    6. Could you describe a typical day of your work ?

    I would love to say that is less dealing with admin and shipping problems than what actually is. The creative thinking happens outside of the studio. The studio is where ideas comes to reality.

    7. Why did you choose the specific materials you work with ?

    Attraction. And the commitment to use local materials.An effort to be purposeful.

    8. What are the technical particularities of your creations ?

    The beauty of hand work. No one piece is exactly the same to the other. All pieces are unique and slightly different.

    9. What advices could you give to beginning artists who would like to create sculptural design works ?

    Honor your curiosity.

    10. If your works had to belong to a design movement, in which one would you define it ?

    I have no interest to classify our work.

    11. What designers and artists have influenced you ?

    Giacometti, Brancusi, Nivola, Branzi, Scarpa, Ponti, Sarfatti, Owens, Vincenzo de Cotiis. 

    12. What contemporary designers do you appreciate ?

    I appreciate when you can recognize the designer over different collections, in their body of work over the years. Whoever is brave to stay truth to their own force, detached from industry trends.

    13. What contemporary artists (in any kind of art) have you been inspired by ?

    Same as above plus a few musicians.

    14. If you had to summarize your creations in one word or sentence, what would it be ?

    Honor your curiosity

    Proust Questionnaire with very short answers (one or a few words) :
    (The Proust Questionnaire is a set of questions answered by the French writer Marcel Proust. Other historical figures who have answered confession albums are Oscar Wilde, Karl Marx, Arthur Conan Doyle, Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Cézanne…)

    1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

    Being in love.

    2. What is your greatest fear?


    3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?


    4. What is the trait you most deplore in others?


    5. Which living person do you most admire?

    My husband, my friends.

    6. What is your greatest extravagance?


    7. What is your current state of mind?


    8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

    9. What is the quality you most like in a man ?


    10. What is the quality you most like in a woman ?


    11. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

    “one last thing”

    12. Which talent would you most like to have?

    Singing, dancing, painting

    13. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

    Being more informed.

    14. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

    My family.

    15. If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?

    a wild cat.

    16. Where would you most like to live?

    On an olive grove facing the ocean on the coast of Sardinia.

    17. What is your most treasured possession?

    Some art pieces and a piece of jewelry from my grandmother.

    18. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?


    19. What is your favorite occupation?

    20. What is your most marked characteristic?


    21. What do you most value in your friends?

    Sense of humor, honesty, generosity.

    22. Who are your favorite writers?

    Murakami, Chandler, Borges

    23. Who is your hero of fiction?

    Haruki Murakami

    24. Which historical figure do you most identify with?


    25. Who are your heroes in real life?

    Our family

    26. What are your favorite names?

    Carlo, Andres, Evita, Rita

    27. What is it that you most dislike?

    Too general.

    28. What is your greatest regret?

    I don’t have big regrets.

    29. How would you like to die?


    30. What is your motto?


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